Award-winning charity film: Centenary Film

This is a film that I wrote and directed for the Twickenham & Thames Valley Beekeepers Association in 2019.

It presented no end of logistical challenges.

Cinematographer: Candida Richardson
Producer: Laurel Parker
Sound Recordist: Rory Smith
Composer: Henry Bird
Post Production Sound: 5A Studios
Post Production Grade: Wash London
Narrator: Holli Dillon

The film

Recognition from the charity sector.

Tricky filming conditions

Best Environmental Film

Shortlisted in the Documentary Category.

The TTVBKA members being filmed

Screening 29th September. This is a BAFTA-qualifying festival.

Screening in Detroit in October.

Rory Smith the sound recordist

Nominated for Best British Short Film

Microphones placed inside a hive

This film is also streaming on the website of the national organisation. "A lovely film".

Macro lens work

Broadcast on NVTV (25/6 March) and Latest TV Brighton, KMTV Kent, Notts TV Nottingham and Sheffield Live Local TV (18 April 2021)

As part of the Inheritance Film Festival, there were broadcast screening in March 2021 in several local cable stations across the UK.

Adding colour to beekeeping

The film crew in bee suits

Evening light with the smokers creating a haze

Screening at this festival in Hungary in September.

Interviewing the patron and former local MP: Sir Vince Cable

The director’s view of Vince Cable MP


A film to mark the bee keeping charity’s Centenary in 2019


Writer, director


Twickenham & Thames Valley Beekeepers Association


5 August 2019